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Staff Directory

1 2 > showing 1 - 100 of 143 constituents

Kelly Adams

Teacher, Classroom, Kindergarten

Sarah Adams

Teacher, Classroom, 2nd Grade

Melissa Aeschliman

Speech Language, Speech Language Pathologist-non teaching

Molly Alfonso

Support, Early Childhood Family Support Profess.

Madelyn Ammons

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Kevin Amren

Teacher, Physical Education

Wendy Anderson

Teacher, Oasis

Uliana Atamaniak


Emily Babin

Psych/SSW, Social Worker

Allison Baker

Speech Language, Speech Language Pathologist-non teaching

Tatiana Balaur

Support, Early Childhood Family Support Profess.

Erin Barker

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom

Lisa Berendt

Substitute, Substitute

Jordyn Bigos

Teacher, Classroom, 3rd Grade

Elizabeth Bishop

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor

Sarah Bong

Teacher, Adjusted Learning

Ann Bowman

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom PFA

Lori Bright

Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist

Amy Brock

Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Jaime Brooks

Paraprofessional, AL Special Education

Rachel Brouder

Teacher, Classroom, 5th Grade

Alan Burton

Teacher, Elementary Interventionist

Debra Caulk

Speech Language, Speech Language Pathologist-non teaching

Jennifer Clark

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para (PFA)

Anne Comerford

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Sarah Cooper


Colleen Cosentino

Paraprofessional, Oasis Special Ed. Para

Gina Cruz

Teacher, Classroom, 1st Grade

Beatris Czeropski

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Joann Damler

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para (PFA)

Natalie Dean

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom PFA

Bethany Decker

Paraprofessional, Cross Categorical Para PreSchool (IDEA)

Leticia DeGenova

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para - Bil (PFA)

Agnes Deredowski

Psych/SSW, Psychologist

Christina DeRoo

Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Jennifer DeSomer

Paraprofessional, AL Special Education

Edgar Dominguez Mercado

Teacher, Physical Education

Mary Jo Duncan

Paraprofessional, AL Special Education

Catherine Elias

Psych/SSW, Social Worker

Jessica Engle

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom

Adalberto Espinoza

Support, Custodian

Heather Evans

Assistant Principal

Marissa Fanslau

Teacher, Adjusted Learning

Isabella Fast


Amy Finnerty

Speech Language, Speech Language Pathologist-non teaching

Esther Gamalski

Paraprofessional, ASPIRE Special Ed. Para

Kristen Gates

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Kellie Gatza


Madeline Genot

Paraprofessional, Oasis Special Ed. Para

Kimberly Gloff

Support, Administrative Assistant

Kathryn Goetz

Teacher, ELL

Carol Grabowski

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Leslie Gregorin

Speech Language, Speech Language Pathologist-non teaching

Anastasia Gruper


Norman Gunderson


Kenneth Hahn

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor

Michelle Halford

Support, Registered Nurse

Jody Harvel

Teacher, Extended Curriculum

Theresa Hauge

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom PFA

Amy Hensley

Assistant Principal

Jose Hernandez Ortiz

Support, Lead Custodian

Sarah Hines

Teacher, Classroom, 1st Grade

Kimberly Hollander

Support, Administrative Assistant

Sarah Holtz

Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist

Laura Jelen

Teacher, Classroom, 4th Grade

Rachelle Johnson

Substitute, Substitute

Gayle Johnston

Teacher, Library Information Specialist

Emily Kambitsis


Elizabeth Kebr

Psych/SSW, Social Worker School-Wide

David Keenan

Teacher, STEM

Christina Keferlis

Teacher, Early Childhood Classroom PFA

Karly Kendrick

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor

Denise Kolb

Teacher, ELL

Breanne Koll

Teacher, Music

Margaret Kolze

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Jennifer Kreitz

Paraprofessional, Special Education Para

Kourtney Krzepicki

Teacher, Classroom, 1st Grade

Jillian Larsen

Teacher, Adjusted Learning

Maureen Larsen

Teacher, SPED - LBS1 Resource

Rachel Lucas

Lunch/Playground, Lunch/Playground Supervisor

Amy Machesky

Support, Registered Nurse

Martha Malana

Psych/SSW, School Counselor

Matthew Mallon

Teacher, Physical Education

Heather Mares

Paraprofessional, ASPIRE Special Ed. Para

Suzanne Massett

Substitute, Substitute

Victoria Maule

Teacher, Classroom, 5th Grade

Elizabeth McCarthy


TeriSue McEnery

Physical Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapy Assistant

Keith Mellinger

Support, Custodian

Joshua Mettille

Teacher, Art

Jody Meyer

Occupational Therapy Assistant, Occupational Therapist Assistant

Shannon Mika

Paraprofessional, ASPIRE Special Ed. Para (IDEA)

Cassandra Miller

Teacher, Classroom, 4th Grade

Katherine Miller

Substitute, Substitute

Jamie Moore

Teacher, SPED - LBS1 Resource

Laura Mostaert

Teacher, Classroom, 4th Grade

Bianca Musial

Teacher, Classroom, Kindergarten

Jennifer Myers

Facilitator, Instructional Coach

Fehmina Naeem

Paraprofessional, ASPIRE Special Ed. Para (IDEA)

Cloe Napier

Support, LPN